Feminism 2022-2023
2023 National Team - Top Ten in the Nation!
Pacific Coast Pewter Medalists
Interested in the Tremors Nationally ranked Intermediate Team?
We are looking for skaters passionate about team skating who are motivated to pursue training at the USFS competitive level. Skaters on the Intermediate Team must be prepared to prioritize skating as their primary activity given the level of commitment. Attendance at all practices is mandatory.
Space 2021-2022
Sectional Bronze Medalist, National Team
Swing Revival 2019-2020
Sectional Bronze Medalist, National Team
Evil 2017-2018
7th place Pacific Coast
Avatar 2018-2019
7th place Pacific Coast
Skaters should be able to demonstrate the following:
Excellent timing, power, edge control, posture, flexibility
An ability to apply direction and corrections to their technique
Strong forward and backward crossovers both directions
Backward power 3 sequence (Juvenile Moves)
Spiral pattern (Intermediate Moves)
Backward double twizzle sequence (Novice Moves)
135 spiral
Combination spin
Split jump
Loop jump